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Lab Testing FAQ

If he's licensed as a chiropractor, how is he qualified to take blood and to interpret the results?

Dr. Berglund graduated from Michigan Technological University with a degree in medical technology (labratory medicine). He then spent the first part of his career doing lab work in hospitals. He has extensive experience not only in the process of drawing blood, but in the interpretation of the lab results as well. In addition to all of his experience in school and in hospitals, Dr. Berglund has been using his medical technology expertise since starting his practice in 1991. He is extremely gentle when it comes to the actual “needle stick”, and takes exceptional care of each patient he sees. His patients have even commented that “he’s one of the best phlebotomists” they’ve ever had!

Can he run the same type of tests as my medical doctor?

Dr. Berglund can run all the tests your medical doctor would be able to run, and then some! If you have specific tests you’d like added into your lab work, he’s completely open to discussing those with you and adding them to your batch of tests.

How do I prepare for a blood test?

Call our office and let our staff know that you’d like to set up a blood draw with Dr. Berglund. Each blood draw requires a 12-hour fast, so we like to schedule our patients as early in the morning as possible. (This means that most of your fasting is done while you’re asleep.) You won’t be able to eat anything 12 hours before the test, but we encourage you to drink as much water as you like!

How much would it cost?

Most standard blood tests are anything but inexpensive. We do our best to keep costs down for our patients so that lab work is not only possible, but affordable. We have recently switched to a lab with very reasonable rates. On top of that, we have reduced their fees even more to make lab work for our patients even more affordable.

Here’s a cost comparison for a standard batch of lab work typically run at our clinic. It includes a CBC, metabolic panel, lipid panel, small thyroid panel, iron, electrolytes, as well as a small batch of other tests that Dr. Berglund typically likes to see:

Typical Doctor’s office charge: $550 - $700

Our lab’s suggested rate: $485

Our price for our patients: $175


Blood consultations

If you’ve had an appointment with Dr. Berglund before, you’ll know that he loves to teach. He’s excited about empowering you and giving you control of your health. When it comes to blood consultations, the same thing holds true. Dr. Berglund will explain your lab results to you in detail - not only whether or not a test came back “normal”, but what these tests mean, how your cells and your body function, and the reasons for choosing his treatment plan.

By no means does Dr. Berglund want to give you a supplement and dosage and never explain to you the “how and why”. He wants you to be the foremost expert on yourself, and put you in the driver’s seat of your health.









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