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I Hate Acne (Dr. Michael Berglund)


Acne: You've tried the creams and lotions, and maybe even antibiotics or other prescription drugs. Maybe you've even ordered acne "programs" after seeing them on infomercials. Did they REALLY fix the problem? Do they only work while you use them, but as soon as you stop using the product/medication, the acne returns? Where you made to believe that you had to risk damage to your liver for clear skin? Traditionally, we've been led to believe that these are our only solutions. In reality, though, there are seven common reasons that people get acne.

7 causes for acne

Hormones - Imbalances and changes in testosterone & estrogen is well known to be a main cause of acne, especially amongst teenagers.  

Overall Toxicity - As a result of poor diet, poor digestion, chemical exposure, stress, and a host of other causes, most people are fairly toxic. The toxins in your body try to get out - through your skin. When the body produces redness, it means that there is inflammation present (the body is either healing or reacting to something). A pimple or a rash means that the body has inflammation.

Food Sensitivities - Dr. Berglund seldom sees someone with acne that doesn't have food sensitivities. Along the same lines with toxicities, food allergies/sensitivities necessitate the body to find a way to excrete the "harmful" substance. Acne is what happens when the skin sees these reactants. Effective allergy/sensitivity testing is always necessary in cases of acne.

Vitamin A deficiency - Many acne drugs actually use vitamin A as a core ingredient (eg. Retin-A, Acutane). The problem is that these drugs are very toxic. However, vitamin A still seems to be an effective way to treat acne when a deficiency is to blame. Dr. Berglund can closely monitor your dosage to be sure that your vitamin A intake is not becoming toxic.

Zinc deficiency - Zinc is a commonly used mineral for healing, and has a strong relationship with healthy skin.

Candidiasis - Intestinal overgrowth of yeast is observed with acne. Ironically, yeast overgrowth often results from the antibiotics that are given for acne! Dr. Berglund has natural ways to treat acne and yeast overgrowth that don't have these negative results.

Hypothyroidism - It's common for someone with a low functioning thyroid to have acne or other skin problems. Like reasons for this include: impaired healing, elevated inflammation in their systems, and poor conversion of beta carotene to vitamin A. 

Doesn't it make more sense to treat the source of your acne (and eliminate the problem at its roots), rather than mask the symptoms you're dealing with?


What now?

When you come in for an appointment with Dr. Berglund, he will be able to determine the best treatment route for your particular situation. His treatment plan may involve any of the following:

  • A natural food diet - Avoiding refined sugars, refined flours, dairy, and chemical food additives, among others.

  • A food elimination diet - Dr. Berglund will test you to find out which foods or chemicals your body is reacting to.

  • Nutritional supplements - Dr. Berglund will test you to find out which nutrients your body may be lacking. These may include: Vitamin A, Vitamin B-Complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc, GLA (Gamma Linoleic Acid), Acidophilus, Quercetin, Psyllium fiber, Chromium, or MSM (biological sulphur).

  • Homeopathic skin remedies - Dr. Berglund will be able to test you to find out if this is the best solution for you.


Other skin conditions
Dr. Berglund has also had a great amount of success treating eczema, hives, ringworm, athlete's foot, psoriasis, male and female itching, cellulitis, and rosacea. 










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