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Be Scared of Sugar (Dr. Michael Berglund)


Blood sugar disorders: Throughout this website, there's a common theme: the body is amazing at dealing with what we do to it, and it does a great job of compensating. However, each system in the human body has its limit. Our culture has had a love affair with sugar for well over a century now, but it hasn't been until the last few decades where it's started catching up to us. We've been trying to "have our cake and eat it too". Dr. Berglund believes that the addition of high fructose corn syrup has made a bad situation dramatically worse.

Our American way of life is geared toward a sedentary lifestyle and the over-consumption of refined carbohydrates. If we live this lifestyle and consume this type of diet day in and day out, eventually our bodies "give up" their abililty to handle sugars, which are converted from carbohydrates. 

What causes type II diabetes?

Our American way of life is geared toward a sedentary lifestyle and the over-consumption of refined carbohydrates. If we live this lifestyle and consume this type of diet day in and day out, eventually our bodies “give up” their abililty to handle sugars, which are converted from carbohydrates.

With type II diabetes, lack of insulin isn’t necessarily the problem. The problem is that the receptor sites have trouble communicating with the insulin, so it takes much more insulin to “get the job done” when it comes to keeping your blood sugar under control.

Early warning signs that you might be at risk include your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. If your body is having trouble managing your sugars, it tends to store them as fat. If your lipids are high, chances are, your body is having trouble with sugar.

So what now? If you already have diabetes or if your body is heading down the dysfunctional road toward diabetes, is this just the “hand you were dealt” that you have to live with? Not quite.

You can start to take control again by consuming a diet that eliminates certain carbohydrates, for the most part. You can also get a glucose meter which will tell you which foods cause your blood sugar to sky-rocket.

During one of his office visits, Dr. Berglund will be able to assist you in finding out which foods your body responds negatively to, as well as which nutrients your body needs in order to help keep your blood sugar under control.

By living this new type of lifestyle, it is possible to “take a different road” away from diabetes an on toward health and wellness.

What causes hypoglycemia?

One might think that since hypoglycemics have low blood sugar, their problems would be the exact opposite of a diabetic. To a point, this is true.

When a hypoglycemic consumes carbohydrates (which then convert to sugar), their blood sugar levels will begin to spike beyond normal. Because of this, their over-reactive insulin works extra-hard to drive blood sugar levels WAY down. That person will then begin to feel shaky due to the blood sugar crash, and will consume more carbohydrates in order to feel better - causing the “rollercoaster” cycle to start all over again. However, there’s more to hypoglycemia than carbohydrate consumption.

Stress also plays a huge part in blood sugar levels. Our stress glands (adrenal glands) act as a “safety net” in helping us deal with stress. When stress levels increase, the adrenal glands help to maintain, for instance, our blood sugar levels. However, if our adrenal glands have been overworked, they can no longer function as the “saftey net” they were designed to be. When stress hits, a hypoglycemic’s blood sugar levels will plummet with nothing to support them when this crash begins.

During one of his office visits, Dr. Berglund will be able to determine which supplements will strengthen your adrenal glands and help them function properly.

Blood Sugar

Blood Sugar

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